IAIS-OECD Questionnaire on the Corporate Governance of Insurers

15 September 2008

The purpose of the questionnaire is to obtain information on current practices in the corporate governance of insurers and views on what might constitute good practices. 

The purpose of the questionnaire is to obtain information on current practices in the corporate governance of insurers and views on what might constitute good practices.  It is addressed to supervisors, governments (non-supervisory), insurers, trade associations, and other parties.


The responses to the questionnaire will be synthesised in a summary report and provide the basis for the elaboration of an expected joint IAIS-OECD Issues Paper that will explore issues related to the governance of insurers.


Deadline for responses is 31 October 2008


Press release

Questionnaire for Insurers 

Questionnaire for other respondents


Background documents

OECD Guidelines on Insurers’ Governance

IAIS Main Elements of Insurer Corporate Governance