EIOPA consults on IORPs reporting rules

25 April 2022

The aim of the public consultation is to improve IORPs reporting focusing on emerging risks and new challenges and issues observed by NCAs and pensions industry since its first implementation in 2018.

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) launched today a public consultation regarding EIOPA’s regular information requests to national competent authorities (NCAs) for occupational pension information.

In the consultation package EIOPA proposes to amend its current Decision by including the provision of the following information:

Finally, alignment of taxonomies between reporting frameworks, where relevant, was also considered. The alignment is following the principles of the strategy on supervisory data in EU financial services defined by the European Commission and should ultimately lead to the reduction of costs for NCAs, reporting entities and EIOPA.

EIOPA invites stakeholders to provide comments to this public consultation via EU survey by 18 July 2022.