Insurance Europe: Workable, clear and consistent disclosures are needed for taxonomy-related information

17 May 2021

Insurance Europe has published its response to a consultation conducted by the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) on a single template for product disclosures under the Taxonomy Regulation.

The Taxonomy Regulation empowers the ESAs to develop additional disclosure obligations for sustainable products that invest in Taxonomy eligible activities. To do so, the ESAs will amend the regulatory technical standards (RTS) of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) to create a single template for sustainability disclosures. This is welcome, as it will achieve consistency between SFDR and the Taxonomy Regulation, while making regulatory requirements more efficient. 

However, in order to achieve the Taxonomy’s objectives, some areas require urgent attention:

Efforts are therefore still needed by the ESAs and the EC to address these issues.

Full response

Insurance Europe

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