EFAMA: European single access point for data? EFAMA’s 6 key recommendations

16 March 2021

"EFAMA sees the establishment of the ESAP as a unique opportunity for advancing the Capital Markets Union, centralising all publicly available ESG and financial information in one place. The information to be included on the platform has to reflect investor's needs ...”

 The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has published its response to the European Commission's consultation on the establishment of a European Single Access Point (ESAP) for financial and non-financial information publicly disclosed by companies.

Tanguy van de Werve, Director General of EFAMA, commented: "EFAMA sees the establishment of the ESAP as a unique opportunity for advancing the Capital Markets Union, centralising all publicly available ESG and financial information in one place. The information to be included on the platform has to reflect investor's needs and should build on existing EU and national reporting infrastructures without duplicating existing reporting requirements.”

In its response, EFAMA provides six key recommendations for the development of the platform:

Dominik Hatiar, Regulatory Policy Advisor at EFAMA, commented: "Currently, issuing entities report information to different authorities, public databases or stock exchanges, and in different jurisdictions. Investors would benefit from a publicly accessible database, that would address the lack in quality, standardisation and availability of sustainability and financial information. To meet the new transparency requirements under the EU sustainable finance regime, ESAP's immediate priority should be the centralisation of ESG company data, while financial information can be added gradually. The ESAP should also allow for voluntary submissions of ESG disclosures by companies not subject to the NFRD, which could help attract EU investors to SMEs and non-EU companies". 

EFAMA's full response to the Commission's Consultation on the establishment of a European Single Access Point can be accessed here. 


© EFAMA - European Fund and Asset Management Association