Notes on 163rd Brussels 4 Breakfast

26 June 2020

EUCO fails to agree on the Recovery Package – as expected…; CRR “quick fix” completes all legislative stages in just 9 weeks from conception; CMU High Level Forum; Brexit - extension dies in 5 days.


Progress on the Recovery Package/Next Generation

Germany/ECB defusing the battle with Karlsruhe

CRR `quick fix’ – remarkable progress but tightly focussed!

CMU: High Level Forum report

Comepetition policy: LSE/Refinitiv example

The issue of NPLs and capital adequacy remains a high priority – hence the CRR changes

Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD): lots of responses to the consultation and it is clearly becoming a major instrument to push sustainability amongst corporations.

Brexit: the topic probably cannot be avoided! Five days until the extension deadline expires and no realistic prospect of extension thereafter…

(full notes shortly)