EPC: Towards an ambitious, broad, deep and flexible EU-UK partnership? (New book)

17 June 2020

Brexit is an irreversible fact. Everyone will be worse off. But what are the exact ramifications, for the UK, the EU, and the partnership between the two?

This book examines the political, economic, social and institutional implications of the UK's departure from the EU in different policy fields, including trade, defence and security, foreign policy, judicial cooperation, migration and mobility, as well as its impact on UK politics and EU integration. 

Besides thinking through the consequences of Brexit, the authors consider the ongoing negotiations and the possibility of the EU and UK failing to agree on a deal before 31 December 2020. They also look at the dramatic impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and conclude that, given the related health, economic and social crises, the transition period must be extended. 

The publication also holds a few lessons on what the EU could and should take away from this experience. As the EU's chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, says in the book's foreword: "We must take the time to listen to our citizens, to understand them, and to provide answers for their concerns. It is too late for the British regions, but it is not too late for the rest of Europe."

The contributions in this book, all by leading experts on Brexit, draw from discussions held in the Brexit Think Tank Group, which was set up by the European Policy Centre (EPC) in the aftermath of the 2016 referendum. Through this format, the EPC facilitated a continuing exchange between the European Commission's Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom and the policy community. The group provided analysis and insight at crucial moments in the negotiations, including on the level playing field issue.

Read the full book here


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