BCBS meets to review vulnerabilities and emerging risks, advance supervisory initiatives and promote Basel III implementation

27 February 2020

The Committee has consulted with members and stakeholders on its future priorities, its structure and its processes. Members discussed the feedback received and exchanged initial views on the way forward. The Committee aims to finalise its review in the course of the year.

The Committee discussed the financial stability implications of the coronavirus outbreak (Covid-19) for the banking system and exchanged information on the business continuity measures that banks and authorities have put in place. The Committee encourages banks and supervisors to remain vigilant in light of the evolving situation and notes the importance of effective cross-border information sharing and cooperation when dealing with such shocks.

The Committee reviewed vulnerabilities associated with leveraged loans and collateralised loan obligations (CLOs). Among financial participants, banks have the largest direct exposures to these markets; banks are also exposed through a number of indirect channels. The Committee agreed to continue work in three areas related to leveraged loans and CLOs:

Committee members discussed progress made by banks in preparing for the transition from the London interbank offered rate (Libor) to alternative reference rates. In December 2019, the Committee and the Financial Stability Board launched a survey on exposures to Libor and associated supervisory measures. The survey results and a report on remaining challenges to benchmark transition will be provided to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in July. In the interim, the Committee stressed the need for banks to dedicate the necessary resources to understanding the impact of benchmark rate reforms on their business and making the necessary preparations for a smooth transition.

The Committee recently established a high-level Task Force on Climate-related Financial Risks. The Committee discussed the Task Force's workplan and future deliverables, which include:

The Committee also reviewed a stocktake of members' current initiatives in this area. A summary of this stocktake will be published in March.

As part of its ongoing Regulatory Consistency Assessment Programme, the Committee approved the reports assessing the implementation of the Net Stable Funding Ratio and Large Exposures standards in Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia and Singapore. These reports will be published next month.

Members also reviewed the implementation status of Basel III across its member jurisdictions.

Full press release on BIS

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