EIOPA publicly consults on its approaches for regulating key aspects of the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP)

02 December 2019

The EIOPA launched the public consultation of its approach to the regulatory and implementing standards, and technical advice to the European Commission on delegated acts, as mandated by the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP) Regulation.

The Consultation Paper sets out EIOPA's current stances to approach the regulation of key aspects of the PEPP, underpinning the idea of establishing a simple, safe and cost-efficient savings product.

In developing its proposals, EIOPA sought input from the supervisory community of the insurance and pension sectors, the other European Supervisory Authorities, and conducted an active dialogue with EIOPA's stakeholder groups and the Expert Practitioner Panel on PEPP.

The resulting key considerations are:

Stakeholder feedback is necessary to further develop the proposals and to ensure that the regulation delivers on the promise of the PEPP as an effective tool to complement pension savings in Europe. The consultation ends on 02 March 2020.

Full news on EIOPA

Full consultation paper on EIOPA