IPE: German treasurers increase focus on pension asset management

27 August 2019

Germany’s association for corporate treasurers has set up a group dedicated to asset management, with a focus in particular on “pension asset management”.

The group is the VDT’s fifth internal subject matter department, and will focus on “the current legal, economic and technical aspects of asset management and, in particular pension asset management within the company from the point of view of corporate treasury”.

Topics covered will include organisation of asset management – in-house versus external fiduciary management, for example – pension finance, and accounting.

In a statement, they said: “The volume of liquid investments that need to be actively managed, especially for pension commitments and the associated financial risks, is increasing, which makes asset management increasingly important to corporate treasury.” [...]

According to Mercer, in 2018 the value of the top 30 public German companies’ pension liabilities amounted to €366bn, and pension plan assets were worth €246bn on an IFRS accounting basis.


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