EPC: Clarification papers on SCT and SCT Inst, SDD Core and SDD B2B rulebooks

27 May 2019

The European Payments Council (EPC) published the version 1.4 of the EPC clarification paper on the SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) and SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) rulebooks as well as the version 1.2 of the EPC clarification paper on the SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) Core and SDD Business-to-Business (B2B) rulebooks.

Both papers address operational aspects related to the SDD Core, SDD B2B, SCT and SCT Inst rulebooks and seek to ensure consistent implementation of the two EPC direct debit and the two credit transfer rulebooks by payment service providers participating in the schemes.

The papers, which will be updated from time to time, as required, provide guidance and, where feasible, recommendations to scheme participants on how to handle situations that are not described in the rulebooks.

About the Clarification Paper on the SDD Core and SDD B2B rulebooks

This document replaces the version 1.1 of the clarification paper. It applies to the currently applicable 2017 SDD Core and SDD B2B rulebooks and to the 2019 SDD Core and SDD B2B rulebooks.

The main change concerns a new section 2.3 clarifying the relationship between the Creditor and the Creditor Reference Party and its use for the SDD Mandate and the SDD Collection.

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About the Clarification Paper on the SCT and SCT Inst rulebooks

The new version of the paper applies to the current applicable 2017 SCT and SCT Inst rulebooks but also gives important clarifications and schematic workflows about the SCT inquiry process entering into force as of 17 November 2019 under the 2019 SCT rulebook.

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