EPC: Call for experts for Multi-Stakeholder Group on Request-To-Pay

30 January 2019

EPC invites experts to join its new Request-To-Pay Multi-Stakeholder Group (RTP MSG).

The landscape of payment solutions in the retail market is undergoing transformation, under the influence of the development of account-based real-time payment schemes such as SEPA Instant Credit Transfers (SCT Inst) in Europe and of the increasing adoption of mobile devices for payment purposes. It is expected that in the coming years the use of account-based payment schemes, in addition to cards, will become more and more popular. This is facilitated by the immediate availability of funds inherent to instant payments.

Providers will need to propose end-to-end solutions which include the way in which Merchants inform the Customers about the elements of a commercial transaction, or how to request payment in exchange of goods and services as part of a transaction at the Points of Interactions (POI), and also how an individual Payee requests payment from a Payer for Person-to-Person (P2P) transactions. This function, called “Request-To-Pay”, along with payment initiation, with the transmission of the payment related messages within the inter-PSP (payment service provider) space and between the service users and their PSPs, completes the chain of business processes implementing use cases in P2P, physical commerce and e-commerce.

The required work is to be completed by November 2019. Experts from organisations represented in the ERPB are invited to be members of the RTP MSG.

The objective of this group is to analyse and prepare the concrete and rapid exploitation of the RTP functionality from a broader perspective, also based on the outcome of the work of the EIPP MSG in relation with the RTP and on the results of the work performed by the EPC Multi-Stakeholder Group on mobile initiated SCT and SCT Inst (MSCT MSG).

Furthermore, the EPC considers it essential to open the membership to other actors from the electronic payment industry, such as technical providers of solutions for payments at the POI (processors, terminal providers etc.) for which 4 seats are reserved and to Payment Initiation Service Providers, with 2 open seats. The EPC is looking for experts with various backgrounds related to payments or technology from these types of organisations including those with pan-European business coverage.

Interested candidates can apply by 15 February 2019. The application should contain a motivation letter including a description of proven expertise on the topics covered by the Group’s mandate.

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