EBA launches consultations on supervisory reporting for the reporting framework 2.9 and prepares for its modular release

28 August 2018

The proposed changes to the ITS on supervisory reporting aim to keep reporting requirements in line with changes in the regulatory framework and with the evolving needs for Supervisory Authorities' risk assessments. The EBA is also publishing its forward schedule of the modular release to help users in their planning.

In particular, the three consultation papers cover the following areas:

In September, the EBA will publish draft Data Point Models (DPM) on the proposed changes to COREP, FINREP and LCR reporting.

Responses to the consultations can be sent to the EBA by 27 November 2018 for the first two and 27 October 2018 for LCR reporting. A public hearing on the three consultation will take place at the EBA premises according to the following schedule:

Press release

Reporting framework 2.9

ITS on Supervisory Reporting amendments with regards to COREP_LCR

ITS on Supervisory Reporting amendments with regards to_FINREP

ITS on Supervisory Reporting amendments with regards to CORE_securitisation