House of Commons: 'Grave concerns' over department's approach to Brexit

25 April 2018

The Public Accounts Committee report finds that given the scale of the Brexit task facing the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and its significant domestic policy agenda, they are alarmed that the Department has made virtually no attempt to re-order its priorities.

Comment from Committee Chair, Meg Hillier MP:

"The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy appears to be operating in a parallel universe where urgency is an abstract concept with no bearing on the Brexit process.

The Department is responsible for around a fifth of the work streams the Government must complete as the UK leaves the EU. It is an extremely important, challenging and time-sensitive workload.

Yet the Department told us it had not re-prioritised its overall programme of work, had not begun procurement for around a dozen essential digital systems and could not provide vital information about its workforce.

Full report: Exiting the European Union: The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

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