Insurance Europe: Position paper on collective redress published

19 December 2017

Insurance Europe has published a position paper on collective redress, which says that, because many member states either have only just introduced or are considering introducing collective redress mechanisms, it is too early following the 2013 recommendations to take action at EU level.

Insurance Europe welcomes the European Commission’s current focus on the need for appropriate collective redress mechanisms in the EU; a focus that is timely in the light of recent mass-harm instances and the required review of the 2013 Recommendations0

It is, however, not clear that regulation on a European level is currently necessary. If the EC were to take action at EU level, Insurance Europe favours a soft-law approach which distinguishes collective redress from injunctive relief, and does not tag collective redress on to injunctive relief proceedings.

The need to balance the effect of such mechanisms between, on the one hand, achieving effective redress for consumers impacted by breaches of EU law, with, on the other hand, the effect on insurers (as defendants, legal expenses insurers or liability insurers), should not be overlooked.

It is therefore imperative that any collective redress mechanism be sufficiently thought through to prevent unintended consequences such as:

Insurance Europe therefore reiterates the need to maintain safeguards such as those set out in the 2013 Recommendations, while not undermining the value of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms, including:

Position paper

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