Le Monde: Voters favour domestic issues over complicated Brexit

08 June 2017

Le Monde interviewed voters in both a staunchly pro-Brexit constituency and an area which voted heavily in favour of Remain, but found that Britain’s pending exit from the EU had little influence at the ballot box.

In Havering, a working-class London suburb where 70% voted Leave, young voters stated a desire to reject the big parties, who have ‘had their chance, without much success’. Another voter stated that despite being against Brexit he would nonetheless vote in favour of the incumbent ‘Brexiteer’ MP, who he sees as a ‘good person’.

In Lambeth, where 76% voted Remain, a 23 year old first-time voter for whom Brexit is ‘too complicated’ chose Labour due to their promises to protect the National Health Service and raise the minimum wage.

The article in French: Législatives au Royaume-Uni : « Cela n’a pas été une élection sur le Brexit »

Sourcing and translation by European Movement International (Brussels)

© Le Monde.fr