City A.M.: How Blockchain technology will change the financial services industry

20 February 2017

Blockchain technology has been hailed as a potential “second generation of the Internet.” A whole vocabulary has sprung up around it, with an emphasis on keywords like distributed ledger, cryptography, and trust.

Blockchain is basically a database where recorded transactions are copied to a participating network of computers. Since the information is disseminated across multiple computers using sophisticated cryptography, it can be viewed by all those with access rights to the network. Once the data has been entered, the information cannot be modified.

That means we wouldn’t need confirmation from our bank to know that we paid our utility bill, and our utility company couldn’t claim it hadn’t received remuneration. Once we made the payment transfer, the information would stay on the network for people to see.

This is how blockchain establishes trust among all parties: Trust that is driven by technology.

When asked CFA Institute Financial NewsBrief which area of fintech will bring the most significant changes to the financial services industry. Blockchain was the clear winner.

On question, what specific aspect of finance will be most transformed by blockchain technology in the years ahead:

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