ESMA publishes the responses to the Call for evidence on asset segregation and custody services under AIFMD

27 September 2016

The majority of respondents to this consultation strongly objected to both options on which ESMA consulted and expressed a preference for some of the options which were mentioned in the cost-benefit analysis accompanying the proposal.

Moreover, Directive 2014/91/EU (UCITS V Directive) and its implementing measures recently introduced asset segregation requirements under the UCITS framework which are broadly aligned to the AIFMD. Therefore, the asset segregation issues became in the meantime a horizontal matter relevant to both AIF and UCITS.

Against this background, and before determining any of its policy orientations, ESMA decided to carry out a further consultation aimed at:

Call for evidence identifies a number of areas on which further stakeholder input is needed. These are as follows:

All responses