Occupational pension funds: Council confirms agreement with EP

30 June 2016

The Permanent Representatives Committee approved, on behalf of the Council, an agreement with the European Parliament on institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORPs).

The draft directive is aimed at facilitating the development of IORPs and better protecting pension scheme members and beneficiaries.

The directive will improve the governance and transparency of IORPs and facilitate their cross-border activity. It revises directive 2003/41/EC on the activities and supervision of IORPs.


IORPs manage collective schemes for employers that provide retirement benefits for their employees. The revision of directive 2003/41/EC will reinforce their role as institutional investors and help channel long-term savings to growth-enhancing investments.

The directive has four objectives:

Next steps

Member states will have two years to transpose the directive into their national laws and regulations.

Provisional agreement with the European Parliament was reached on 15 June 2016. The directive is expected to be approved by the Parliament at first reading. It will then be submitted to the Council for adoption.


June 2016 draft directive on institutions for occupational retirement provision

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