BCBS: Finalising post-crisis reforms and Basel III implementation - Basel Committee reports to G20 Leaders

13 November 2015

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision published two reports for the G20 Summit: Finalising Post-crisis Reforms and an update on the implementation of Basel III standards.

The first report on Finalising post-crisis reforms: an update reviews the Basel Committee's work since the global financial crisis to strengthen the international regulatory framework for banks. 
The report also focuses on the Committee's substantial progress towards finalising its post-crisis reforms, which includes reducing excessive variability in risk-weighted assets. As a result, the Committee is well on track to finalise the remaining elements of the regulatory reform agenda for global banks.
The second report is an update on the implementation of Basel III standards since the 2014 progress report to the G20 Leaders. It notes that implementation has generally been both timely and consistent with the globally agreed standards. All Committee member jurisdictions have implemented the Basel III risk-based capital regulations. 
Final rules on the Liquidity Coverage Ratio are in force in almost all member jurisdictions. Efforts are continuing to adopt the Basel III standards for the leverage ratio and the Net Stable Funding Ratio as well as for systemically important banks.
Finalising post-crisis reforms - an update
Implementation of Basel standards - A report to G20 Leaders on implementation of the Basel III regulatory reforms