Bank of England: Solvency II: reporting and public disclosure - options provided to supervisory authorities

30 October 2015

This supervisory statement sets out the PRA’s expectations of firms where the Solvency II supervisory reporting ITS and the Solvency II public disclosure ITS allows supervisory authorities to specify different approaches to the default set out in the standards, or requires to issue instructions.

The supervisory statement sets out the PRA’s expectation of how firms are to comply with the standards when options are provided to supervisory authorities in the following areas:
Please note: as at 30 October 2015, the Solvency II supervisory reporting Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) and the Solvency II public disclosure ITS had been published in EIOPA final reports on public consultations 14/052 and 14/055 respectively and were awaiting formal adoption by the European Commission. 
This supervisory statement will only be updated if there are substantive changes to the ITS on their formal adoption.
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