CEP: A sovereign default regime for the euro area

31 August 2015

By introducing a sovereign default regime in the eurozone, its member states would be once again allowed to make their own decisions regarding timing, type and scope of reforms.

Executive Summary 

Requirements for a solution

(1) The enforcement of sovereign default must be credible.

(2) In the case of a sovereign default, national and international investors and the national voters in their capacity as taxpayers are exclusively liable, and not the taxpayers of other countries.

(3) Every country must be able to control its own fiscal, economic, labour market and social policies.

(4) Any developments that threaten the solvency of a country must become obvious at an early stage so that investors and voter have a chance to respond,

(5) Imbalances in the financial sector must not, in general, threaten sovereign solvency,

(6) Financial institutions must be able to cope with the sovereign default. 

The elements of a sovereign default regime for the eurozone countries

(1) Investors can form clear expectations about their risk of loss. [...]

(2) Gradually increasing spreads lead to a slow but constant increase in the pressure for reform. This gives the government time to make corrections. [...]

(3) If a state approaches the reference value, credit financing becomes more expensive for businesses and consumers, too. They will thus have sufficient time and opportunity, at the latest when it comes to the next election, to inform their politicians of their preferences.

(4) Existing incentives to delay default as long as possible, thereby raising the default costs, are eliminated.

(1) The Stability and Growth Pact is superfluous and can be abolished.

(2) Apart from direct bank recapitalisation, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) will otherwise only grant loans to countries or to the Bank Resolution Fund for the recapitalisation of banks. The traditional loans to countries, generally used until now to prevent sovereign default, will no longer be possible.

Full analysis paper

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