EPC: Outcomes following the ERPB’s meeting

10 July 2015

The European Payment Council's blog provides an update on outcomes following the Euro Retail Payments Board’s third meeting: instant payments in euros, person-to-person (P2P) mobile payments, technical standards related to payment cards and e-invoicing payment issues.

Anthony Richter, chair of the EPC ad hoc working group on instant payments, presented the group’s report which the ERPB welcomed as “an important step towards achieving pan-European instant payments in euro”.

In response to recommendations from a report provided by the ERPB working group on P2P mobile payments, the members of the ERPB subsequently agreed to “endorse the vision of allowing any person to initiate a pan-European P2P mobile payment safely and securely, using a simple method with information the counterparty is prepared to share in order to make a payment”.

The ERPB agreed with the findings of a detailed report on the market initiatives to develop technical standards (“implementation specifications”) delivered by the Card Stakeholders Group (CSG), a multi-stakeholder group of which the EPC is a member.

Finally, on the basis of a note prepared by the ERPB Secretariat, the ERPB endorsed the objective of a harmonised electronic invoice/bill presentment & payment (EIPP/EBPP) service for payers and payees, and an electronic invoicing/billing network for payees to reach all consumers and businesses in Europe.

The EPC’s blog outlines the agreements reached at the ERPB meeting and provides an update on the resulting actions which will be taken in the months to come. The EPC stands ready to continue its active contribution to the objectives and work of the ERPB as well as to the implementation of the agreed upon ERPB recommendations, with the full involvement of all other stakeholders. Updates regarding meetings and with regard to the delivery of updated feedback and recommendations can be expected in due course.

Full blog