EFRAG: Draft comment letter on disclosure Initiative (proposed amendments to IAS 7)

11 February 2015

EFRAG has not reached a consensus on whether the proposals are appropriate. Therefore, its Draft Comment Letter sets out different views and seeks input from constituents.

EFRAG has published its draft comment letter in response to the IASB´s ED Disclosure Initiative (Proposed amendments to IAS 7) and seek for constituents’ views on the proposals in the ED. Responses to the draft comment letter and to the questions in it are requested by 16 April 2015. The IASB issued the ED/2014/6, Disclosure Initiative - Proposed amendments to IAS 7 (the ‘ED’) on 18 December 2014, with comments due by 17 April 2015. The proposals in the ED would require an entity:

Regarding proposed disclosures on movements in debts, even though EFRAG agrees with the goal of providing users with a net debt reconciliation, some members are supportive of the changes as a useful first step in the right direction that can be made without triggering significant costs. However, others believe that the change is not bringing enough improvements to justify its costs.

Furthermore, the IASB is also holding a trial on the IFRS Taxonomy due process. Views are sought in the ED about proposed changes to the IFRS Taxonomy due process that would see future amendments to the IFRS Taxonomy published together with the relevant Exposure Draft or final Standard. In its draft comment letter, EFRAG reiterates its view that the IFRS Taxonomy should not be integrated into the IASB standard setting process but kept as a separate activity of the IFRS Foundation, as it may take the IASB away from a principle based approach to standard setting, more particularly in the area of disclosures.

Press release

Draft comment letter

© EFRAG - European Financial Reporting Advisory Group