IOPS published Principles of Private Pension Supervision

20 January 2006

IOPS published its Principles of Private Pension Supervision which were approved by the IOPS governing members at the Annual General Meeting held on the 15th December 2005. The IOPS Principles for Pension Supervision are designed to cover occupational and personal pension plans and pension funds.

Supervisory activities vary depending on the regulatory and legal environment, policy choices and a variety of other factors. The scope of supervision can encompass any supervisory activity that is primarily concerned with ensuring the requirements and limitations imposed on pension funds or plans are adhered to. The Principles are designed to cover the different types of supervisory structure. Pension products also come in many different forms and the pension systems of countries also differ greatly. IOPS has taken account of the diversity, and intends that these Principles identify good practice which can be applied universally.

This exposure draft is open for consultation until 31 May 2006.


© IOPS - International Organisation of Pension Supervisors