ECFIN Occasional Paper: Economic Adjustment Programme for Ireland - Autumn 2013 Review

13 December 2013

This report provides a summary of the main findings of the 12th and final review mission, including an assessment of compliance with the programme conditionality, and an overview of challenges faced by Ireland ahead.


This paper discusses the main findings of the twelfth and last review mission to Ireland, which took place during October 29-November 7, 2013. The report gives an overview of the country's very good programme performance over the last three years, as the arrangement expires at the end of 2013. It contains a detailed assessment of compliance with policy conditionality of the economic adjustment programme through end-2013 and gives an overview of remaining challenges, based on information available as of 30 November, 2013. The paper also has an annex with the updated programme documents.

Overall, programme implementation remains robust:

Modest growth is projected in 2013, with a pick up foreseen in 2014. Real GDP is expected to grow by 0.3% in 2013 and 1.7% in 2014, lower than projected at the last review due to relatively weak national accounts data for the first half of 2013. The projections envisage a rise in economic activity in the second half of 2013, as recent high-frequency data in Ireland remain positive. For example, the unemployment rate fell to 12.8% in the third quarter of 2013, more than two percentage points below its early 2012 peak.

On 14 November 2013, the government announced its decision to conclude the EU/IMF programme in December without a pre-arranged precautionary credit facility. Ireland has accumulated significant cash balances under the programme, while interest rates on Irish bonds have declined significantly. At the end of 2013, the cash balances are estimated at about €20 billion, which constitute a significant backstop against internal and external risks. In addition, a number of developments, including European decisions to extend loan maturities, have further contributed to supporting market sentiment and lowering the borrowing needs in the future.

Nonetheless, challenges remain. Further progress is required in several areas to complete the adjustment process and to further entrench balanced and sustainable growth. In addition, the unemployment rate remains high. The government is preparing a medium-term strategy aimed at setting off a virtuous cycle of faster economic growth, healthier banks, and stronger public finances to ensure durable market access. In particular, with public debt level at 124% of GDP in 2013, Ireland needs to continue with fiscal consolidation, reduce the private sector debt overhang, and improve bank profitability to revive lending.


Full report

© European Commission