EIOPA establishes a Q&A tool on its Guidelines

31 October 2013

The objective of the Q&A tool is to ensure consistent and effective application of the Guidelines across the Single Market. EIOPA also published its Guidelines on preparing for Solvency II in all the official languages of the EU.

In order to ensure consistent and effective application of its Guidelines across the Single Market, EIOPA establishes a Question and Answer (Q&A) tool.

The Q&A tool can be used by all parties, including financial institutions, supervisors and other stakeholders for submitting questions on Guidelines that have been published by EIOPA.

Answers should normally be provided within six weeks, but may take longer, in which case EIOPA will contact the requesters to inform of this. Questions can be asked and will be answered in all the official languages of the EU.

Guidelines on preparing for Solvency II

Q&A tool