UK Government launches Balance of Competences Review on the EU Budget and Financial Services

21 October 2013

The UK Government has published two calls for evidence on the balance of competences between the UK and the EU on the EU budget and financial services and the free movement of capital. The CfEs run until 17 January, 2014. (Includes link to further D-BIS CfEs.)

These calls for evidence form part of the ongoing Balance of Competences Review, which was launched by the Foreign Secretary in July 2012, taking forward the coalition commitment to analyse and examine the UK’s relationship with the European Union.

Call for evidence on financial services and the free movement of capital

HM Treasury is leading on the two strands of the review covering the EU budget and financial services and the free movement of capital, and is seeking views from individuals and groups with an interest or experience in these policy areas and how the EU’s competence is used and what that means for Britain.

Call for evidence on the EU budget

The public calls for evidence on each of these strands will run for three months from 21 October 2013 to 17 January 2014. Following the calls for evidence, two reports on the current balance of competence and what this means for the national interest will be published in Summer 2014.

Press release



Explanatory memoranda on UK/GEMU

See also D-BIS: Third set of calls for evidence on the government’s review of the balance of competences between the UK and the EU

Includes CfEs on:

Bruegel-blogs-review: Cut the EU red tape - but mind the single market

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