Bank of England: Financial Policy Committee statement from its policy meeting, 19 March 2013

27 March 2013

The FPC discussed work by the FSA in response to its recommendation that "the FSA takes action to ensure that the capital of UK banks and building societies reflects a proper valuation of their assets, a realistic assessment of future conduct costs and prudent calculation of risk weights".

The FPC had also recommended that “where such action reveals that capital buffers need to be strengthened to absorb losses and sustain credit availability in the event of stress, the FSA should ensure that firms either raise capital or take steps to restructure their business and balance sheets in ways that do not hinder lending to the real economy”.

The FSA had examined each of these areas for the major UK banks and building societies.  It had advised that expected losses which might arise over a three year period on specific high-risk loan portfolios, including exposures to UK commercial real estate and vulnerable euro-area economies, could exceed existing provisions by around £30 billion.

The actions that banks need to take depend on whether, and if so how far, their adjusted capital falls short of the level that the FPC judges banks need to ensure sufficient capacity to absorb losses and sustain lending in the current conjuncture.  The FPC judged that the immediate objective should be to achieve a common equity tier 1 capital ratio, based on Basel III definitions and after the required adjustments, of at least 7% of risk-weighted assets by end 2013. The FPC noted that after 2013 further increases in capital ratios will be required. 

In light of this exercise, the FPC recommends that:

The FPC will monitor implementation of these recommendations, but does not intend to issue further recommendations on bank capital ahead of a future stress testing exercise.

News release

Methodology note

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