CEBS survey on supervisory practices for commodities business

04 January 2007

CEBS published a survey on supervisory practices for commodities business and firms carrying out commodities business. The survey shows that the current prudential regimes with regard to commodities business vary within the EU member states and also the EEA countries and the accession country that responded. Given the different relevance of the commodities sector for the respondents, only few countries have implemented specific rules for this sector yet. However, most countries have regulations in place that reflect the requirements of the relevant EU Directives,

In response to the second part of the Call for Advice CEBS will submit an assessment of the risks that arise from the conduct of commodities business and from the activities of firms carrying out commodities business by April 2007.

Press release
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Annex 4

© CEBS - Committee of European Banking Supervisors