The House of Lords EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee hears evidence from experts in European Economic and Monetary Union. Graham Bishop will be one of the witnesses at the evidence session.
The evidence session takes place on Wednesday 25 November in Committee Room 4, Palace of Westminster.
At 10.15am:
Graham Bishop, independent consultant
Dr Dermot Hodson, Reader in Political Economy, Birkbeck, University of London
Philippe Legrain, independent writer, commentator, consultant and public speaker
Likely areas of discussion
The Lords EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee's investigation looks at the proposals originally put forward in the Five Presidents' report into Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union. In this general introductory session the Committee hears from experts in that field.
The Committee seeks to examine the necessary recommendations and proposals as euro area Member States prepare to build an economic, financial, fiscal and political union. The Committee will assess the direct and indirect implications to the UK and take a view on whether the balance between what is required for euro area and non-euro area Member States is fair.
Likely questions
The witnesses are likely to answer questions on the following areas:
The overall aims of the Five Presidents' report and its relationship to the prior Four Presidents' report
The plans brought forward by the European Commission to improve EMU through "deepening by doing"
Improvements to the European Semester and EU economic governance rules
The obstacles facing the completion of the Banking Union
Future plans for Eurozone fiscal union
The role of the European Central Bank
The impact of a more deeply integrated eurozone on non-euro area Member States such as the UK
Full press release
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