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30 April 2021

European Commission Referral Scheme Consultation: EBF response

Such a system should not be conceived as a referral scheme but rather as one of making clients aware of a central source of information provided by public authorities. We recommend that public authorities further assess whether such a central source makes sense and whether it has a value added.

The EBF has responded to the European Commission’s consultation on a potential referral scheme. Below a few recommendations:

  • Public authorities could consider providing more integrated information regarding licensed financing options (in broad categories) across the EU in one place, e.g. on the webpage of the EC, EBA and ESMA, with links to national webpages;
  • All regulated providers of finance could be expected to inform those applicants whose finance requests have been declined and who expressly ask for alternative sources of finance about the availability of this information in a way that that does not cause any operational challenges, lead to fraud or cause reputational issues, or contradict existing laws (such as AML);

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