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17 November 2014


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The European Central Bank will take unconventional monetary measures if the economic situation in the euro area requires them.

As the Banking Union takes shape, risks could migrate from banks to the non-banking sector, Mario Draghi warned economic and monetary affairs MEPs November 17. Also, speaking as chair of the Systemic Risk Board, he added that there is "a vast scope for more coordination of sanctions against banks between the US and Europe".

In his regular monetary dialogue with MEPs, Draghi reiterated that the ECB's balance sheet could go up to the level of March 2012 if needed. Asked whether this was a target or an expectation, he said that "it is an expectation" and that "if not fulfilled, other measures might be taken".

Draghi pointed out that the latest economic outlook “shows the growth momentum has weakened during the summer and that the forecast needed downward adjustment. This could dampen confidence and private investment in the euro area. Inflation in October is at 0.4% (the target is close to, but below 2%) and in the coming months this will probably be the same", he said. Draghi also reiterated the need for fiscal consolidation and structural reforms to be put in place to improve the business environment.

No sub-prime in eurozone

Countering criticism that the recent launch of the programme to buy Assets Backed Securities (ABS) might turn the ECB into a “bad bank”, Draghi said that this programme should not be compared to the American one: "We don't have sub-prime in Europe. The default rate in the US was 18%, whereas in Europe, it is 1.5%."

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