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01 February 2019

ESMA(欧州証券市場機構)、MiFID 2(第2次金融商品市場指令)・MiFIR(金融商品市場規則)に基づく新たな債券の流動性に関するデータを公表

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ESMA made available new data for bonds subject to the pre- and post-trade requirements of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and Regulation through its data register.

ESMA has started today to make available the third quarterly liquidity assessment for bonds available for trading on EU trading venues at the end of December. For this period, there are currently 439 liquid bonds subject to MiFID II transparency requirements. 

ESMA’s liquidity assessment for bonds is based on a quarterly assessment of quantitative liquidity criteria, which include the daily average trading activity (trades and notional amount) and percentage of days traded per quarter. ESMA updates the bond market liquidity assessments quarterly. However, additional data and corrections submitted to ESMA may result in further updates within each quarter, published in ESMA’s Financial Instruments Transparency System (FITRS), which shall be applicable the day following publication.

In order to assess the contribution of a trading venue, both completeness indicators should be considered. The completeness ratio indicates the percentage of reports provided divided by the number of reports expected, irrespectively of the number of instruments available for trading on that trading venue. In other words, missing one or a few periods for a large number of instruments, or missing the same number of periods in one instrument only, does not change the value of this indicator. This indicator is independent from the number of instruments available for trading on the venue. On the other hand, the completeness shortfall takes into account the number of incomplete ISINs for the trading venue. In other words, missing one or a few periods for a large number of instruments, increases the value of this indicator. 

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