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Since the Covid crisis, we have only done Zoom videos  of the discussion amongst the speakers at the Brussels 4 Breakfast session. Sadly, CSFI has subsequently run into financial problems and "B4B" has been suspended in its old form.

However, you can subscribe for my Friends' services as this gives you a weekly diet of the flow of news, events and thinking in and around the financial services "Brussels bubble"



Welcome to the GrahamBishop Archive.

If you would like access to more current information please subscribe to our friends membership.

2022 Archive: Webinar Brussels 4 Breakfast Zoom video
2022-04-20 181st Brussels 4 Breakfast: video
2022-02-17 CSFI: 180th Brussels 4 Breakfast with Graham Bishop, Adrian Whelan (BBH), Simona Amati (Kreab) and Frank van Lerven (NEF)
2022-01-28 CSFI: 179th Brussels 4 Breakfast with Tilman Lueder - DG FISMA

Prior Years Reports