2013-12-29 |
Reuters: EU would accept watered-down transaction tax - paper
2013-12-16 |
Spiegel: Complaint to EU - German banks try to torpedo transaction taxes
2013-12-10 |
UK Parliament: FTT proposal 'unjustified and misconceived'
2013-12-01 |
WSJ: FTT faces more delays; governments remain divided on key details
2013-11-21 |
PwC: FTT – The Impacts and Arguments – A Literature Review
2013-11-09 |
Senior German lawmaker says FTT unlikely
2013-10-27 |
FT: ECB's Noyer says Tobin tax is "enormous risk", must be revised
2013-10-21 |
Bloomberg: Germany's SPD seeks to tap transaction tax for bank failure fund
2013-10-17 |
WSJ: France weighs softening proposed transaction tax
2013-10-09 |
FT: EU bank bailout tax debate heats up in Germany as SPD enters fray
2013-09-23 |
FN: German election results revive FTT threat
2013-09-16 |
Work on financial transaction tax will continue - All eyes on the German election
2013-09-10 |
Reuters: EU lawyers say transaction tax plan may be illegal
2013-08-04 |
FT: Financial transaction tax could 'wipe out' securities lending
2013-07-31 |
The Trade: French equities take 25 per cent hit from FTT
2013-07-17 |
CEO: Robbing the "Robin Hood" tax - The European Central Bank weighs in
2013-07-15 |
IBT: IMF has doubts on trading tax, suggests other levies
2013-07-07 |
GFMA: EU's FTT risks damaging international trade and investment through increases in the costs of foreign exchange transactions
2013-07-03 |
Plenary Session: Financial Transaction Tax - Wide scope and attention to pension funds and SMEs
2013-07-03 |
Insurance Europe: Further adjustments needed to FTT proposal
2013-07-02 |
EuropeanIssuers position paper on FTT
2013-07-02 |
Reuters: EU's Šemeta says willing to scale down transactions tax
2013-06-28 |
BUDG Committee: How to make sure a tax on financial transactions pays off
2013-06-28 |
GFIA comments on an EU FTT under Enhanced Cooperation
2013-06-25 |
Financial Transactions Tax to be delayed at least six months
2013-06-20 |
Insurance Europe: FTT proposal requires significant amendments
2013-06-18 |
ECON Committee: Financial Transaction Tax - MEPs push wide scope and attention to pension funds
2013-06-05 |
UK Chancellor: Letter to the EBF on the FTT
2013-06-04 |
EACT/Raeburn's blog on the Financial Transaction Tax
2013-05-31 |
Reuters: Britain asks Germany to help lead reform of EU
2013-05-31 |
EUobserver: Reports of Tobin Tax death exaggerated, EU says
2013-05-30 |
Reuters: Europe plans major scaling back of financial trading tax
2013-05-28 |
Germany: Financial transaction tax unlikely to come in soon
2013-05-28 |
FT: France seeks overhaul of planned EU 'Robin Hood' tax
2013-05-27 |
Elizabeth Corley: Brussels should drop the tax on financial transactions
2013-05-23 |
Europe's banks caution Finance Ministers on negative impact of FTT
2013-05-19 |
Oxera: Analysis of European Commission staff working document on the proposed Financial Transaction Tax
2013-05-13 |
EACT position concerning the Proposal for a Council Directive implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of a financial transaction tax
2013-05-09 |
Irish Times: Tobin tax opposed in Germany
2013-05-07 |
Ben Wright: The FTT's future hinges on Germany's election campaign
2013-04-29 |
FN: Podimata vows to fight as FTT row turns toxic
2013-04-27 |
Telegraph: Financial Transaction Tax 'may add to eurozone's debt woes'
2013-04-20 |
BBC: Financial transactions tax - UK launches legal challenge
2013-04-19 |
AFME comment on legal challenge to EU financial transaction tax
2013-04-14 |
Reuters: Bankers count on watered-down EU trading tax
2013-04-14 |
EACT/Raeburn: Financial Transaction Tax - Will the politicians ever get it?
2013-04-11 |
Citigroup: European Financial Transaction Tax - No time to procrastinate
2013-04-08 |
ICMA European Repo Council calls for exemption of repo transactions from FTT
2013-04-08 |
IPE: FTT runs counter to freedom of capital movement
2013-04-03 |
Reuters: City of London study says EU transaction tax costly for UK
2013-03-27 |
HoL EU Committee: EU Financial Transaction Tax - Financial uphill battle gets steeper
2013-03-26 |
City AM: Transaction tax missing its targets
2013-03-25 |
Deutsche Bank: Financial Transaction Tax counterproductive
2013-03-25 |
FN: Cracks appear in early FTT talks
2013-03-19 |
Reuters: EU executive plays down transactions tax impact on UK
2013-03-14 |
EFAMA: European investors and savers face a very great danger if the FTT proposed by the European Commission is introduced
2013-02-25 |
FN: Tobin tax lawmaker softens stance for some instruments
2013-02-25 |
Commissioner Šemeta: Speech on the Financial Transaction Tax at the Centre for American Progress
2013-02-18 |
IPE: Dutch government withdraws support for financial transaction tax
2013-02-14 |
Deutsche Börse questions impact of a financial transaction tax
2013-02-14 |
BUSINESSEUROPE: FTT proposals remain a threat to growth and jobs
2013-02-14 |
FT: Brussels vows to fight Tobin tax hurdles
2013-02-14 |
Financial Transaction Tax under Enhanced Cooperation: Commission sets out the details [Proposal]
2013-02-14 |
ACCA: The new FTT proposals still do not lift all the existing concerns over an EU-only tax
2013-02-13 |
FT: US banks warn over planned EU 'Tobin tax'
2013-02-06 |
IPE: Brussels releases early draft of Green Paper on long-term investing
2013-02-01 |
FN: Opposition to FTT grows in Europe
2013-01-29 |
FT: Wider euro 'Tobin tax' will net €35 billion
2013-01-23 |
Reuters: Large banks seen dodging EU financial tax bullet
2013-01-22 |
Commissioner Šemeta: Speaking points on the Financial Transaction Tax
2013-01-22 |
EBF concerns over ECOFIN decision on FTT