Graham Bishop RSS Feed - Daily News and Information Related to Graham Bishop Articles.Daily RSS Article and news related to RSS, really simple syndication, and news aggregation. Information related to Graham Bishop.com approve new EU corporate tax plan which embraces “digital presence” The “Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base” (CCCTB) - part of a ]]> March 2018Accountancy Europe CEO on CCCTB at the European Parliament’s ECON Committee hearing Olivier acknowledged the benefits of the CCCTB as a tool to reduc ]]> May 2017Insurance Europe: Concerns raised on European Commission CCCTB proposal While Insurance Europe supports the Commission’s aim to simplify ]]> February 2017Council conclusions on building a fair, competitive and stable corporate tax system for the EU t supported the view that tax consolidation should be considered ]]> December 2016Investment & Pensions Europe: European Commission re-launches rules to make corporate tax fairer The implementation of the new rules has been arranged in two stag ]]> October 2016