Graham Bishop RSS Feed - Daily News and Information Related to Graham Bishop Articles.Daily RSS Article and news related to RSS, really simple syndication, and news aggregation. Information related to Graham Bishop.com New education standard focuses on professional development IES 7 (Revised) makes clear that all professional accountants mus ]]> January 2019IFAC: Upcoming IES 7 (Revised), Continuing Professional Development Improving professional competence development and maintenance thr ]]> December 2018IFAC: New global education proposals enhance accountancy profession's technology and skepticism skills As the demand for improved information and communications technol ]]> December 2018IFAC: IAESB extends deadline for ED on Continuing Professional Development “Input is instrumental in improving the quality of setting accoun ]]> August 2017FTAdviser: IFA guide on new continuing professional rules The 42-page booklet sets out guidance for firms and individuals ]]> April 2012