Month in Brussels: Graham Bishop's Personal Overview of July 2012

The reverberations from the end-June European Council meetings continued to dominate attention.

(Graham Bishop believes that seems to raise the chances that #BishopBills will be seen more favourably)

As the full magnitude of the LIBOR scandal unfolds, the probity of the entire financial system is coming under examination so the Commission proposal on legislation to improve consumer protection in financial services was well timed. The package includes a proposal for a regulation on key information documents for packaged retail investment products (PRIPS), a revision of the Insurance Mediation Directive (IMD), and a proposal to boost protection for those who buy investment funds (UCITS). Commissioner Barnier said: "In the aftermath of the biggest financial crisis in recent memory, the financial sector must place consumers at its heart…” A string of professional bodies rushed to endorse the thrust of the proposal: EBF, CFA Institute, EuroFinuse, FECIF, EFAMA and AILO amongst others.

The European Commission also moved quickly to propose EU-wide rules to tackle the LIBOR type of market abuse and close any regulatory loopholes. It addressed this market manipulation by adopting amendments to the proposals for a Regulation and a Directive on insider dealing and market manipulation, including criminal sanctions.  The amendments will clearly prohibit the manipulation of benchmarks, including LIBOR and EURIBOR, and make such manipulation a criminal offence. Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU's Justice Commissioner said: "Public confidence has taken a nosedive with the latest scandals about serious manipulations of lending rates by banks.”  ECON’s Sharon Bowles said "Manipulation of Libor and other similar benchmarks is a seismic event in financial markets, which affects the pricing of many other financial instruments."  FSA Chair Lord Turner identified some drivers of declining trust in the banking system and suggested better, more intense and more robust conduct supervision and enforcement, but action by the leadership of banks to improve culture and values is vital.  

Following the European Council commitments, Banking Union has become a very hot topic and Commissioner Barnier asked “We want to break this link between States and their banks. With the future banking union, the situation will be different.  There will be one European Supervisor to deal with ailing banks and financial crises. How are we going to build this Banking Union?” He answered his own question thus” stepping up the democratic support and control of the EU. We need an integrated Financial Union with enhanced democratic control.”

Graham Bishop

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Graham would be pleased to write an 'op ed' or an occasional column, or to syndicate his monthly column in IFS School of Finance Financial World magazine.

Follow Graham on Twitter to keep abreast of his latest thoughts: @grahambishopcom

For more information: contact Graham Bishop

Tel: 0044 1424 777123 / 0044 7785 323483

Notes for Editors

Graham Bishop is renowned as a one-man think tank, with the vision and courage to propose radical ideas, yet ground them in a mastery of the technical details of the financial system. His influence at the meeting point of politics, economics and finance has built up particularly since the early 1990s, when he pointed out to the Maastricht Treaty negotiators that government debt would have a fundamentally different quality in a common currency. He played a key role in designing the changeover to the euro, both of national currencies and of Europe’s capital markets. His influence continues to this day - as the Rapporteur of ELEC’s insightful plan for a Euro-T-bill Fund, which would have profound political implications for the euro area, and for Britain, if implemented.

Graham now approaches his 80th ’Brussels for Breakfast’ meeting in the City of London - attended by a wide array of senior officials and government affairs specialists from major financial institutions.

Graham is a well-known speaker, he writes books, articles and blogs. He provides consultancy/thought leadership services and education and learning services). His deep knowledge of Europe’s financial system is reflected in research and information services offered by  

The Press area offers resources and gives full details of his media activities: link