IASB issues limited exemption amendment to IFRS 1

29 January 2010

The amendment relieves first-time adopters of IFRSs from providing the additional disclosures introduced in March 2009. It thereby ensures that first-time adopters benefit from the same transition provisions that Amendments to IFRS 7 provide to current IFRS preparers.

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has issued a minor amendment to IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards.

The amendment relieves first-time adopters of IFRSs from providing the additional disclosures introduced in March 2009 by Improving Disclosures about Financial Instruments (Amendments to IFRS 7). It thereby ensures that first-time adopters benefit from the same transition provisions that Amendments to IFRS 7 provide to current IFRS preparers.
The additional disclosure requirements included in Amendments to IFRS 7 were part of the IASB’s response to the financial crisis; they require enhanced disclosures about fair value measurements and liquidity risk.
Additionally, the amendment to IFRS 1 clarifies the IASB’s conclusions and intended transition for Amendments to IFRS 7.
The effective date of the amendment Limited Exemption from Comparative IFRS 7 Disclosures for First-time Adopters (Amendment to IFRS 1) is 1 July 2010, with earlier application permitted
Press release
Amendments to IFRS 1

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