Post: Brexit made the EU stronger

31 January 2019

In this article in the Italian newspaper Post, the author summarises the theses that circulate on the state of the European Union: it has never been so united.

While the first reactions following the British referendum heralded the inevitable end of the EU, the opposite has happened, with spectacular cohesion of the EU27 during the negotiations. Even more surprisingly, European Euroseceptic movements have abandoned their calls to leave the Union or the euro; their demands are now focused on changing the European Union from the inside. Nevertheless, the future is hard to predict and no one knows how long this cohesion will last. Indeed, the European political scene remains very divided and the long-term consequences of Brexit could undermine cohesion.
The article in Italian: Brexit ha reso più fortel’Unione Europea
Sourcing and translation by European Movement International

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