Investment Association calls for consumer focused approach to reform PRIIPs regulation

02 October 2018

The Investment Association outlines its solutions to the flaws of the Packaged Retail Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) regulation, in particular the methodology for calculating transaction costs.

The IA is wholly supportive of the principle behind PRIIPs: to provide savers and investors greater transparency and comparability across funds. However, leading customer voices across Europe agree with the IA that this principle is being compromised by new performance scenarios and cost calculations that are potentially highly misleading.

In its response to the FCA’s Call for Input, the IA calls for urgent action to address the failings in the design of PRIIPs, which also impact the retail funds market and the UK DC pensions market.

The IA recommends the following customer-focused approach in order to provide both full transparency and understandable information across the market:

Pres release

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