The ESAs publish draft technical standards to strengthen group-wide management of money laundering and terrorist financing risks

06 December 2017

The Joint Committee of ESAs published its draft RTS specifying how credit and financial institutions should manage ML/TF risks at group level where they have branches or majority-owned subsidiaries based in third countries whose laws do not permit the application of group-wide policies and procedures on AML/CFT.‎

Credit and financial institutions have to put in place and maintain anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) policies and procedures to assess and manage effectively the money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) risks to which they are exposed. Where they are part of a group, these AML/CFT policies and procedures have to be applied at group-level. This can be challenging where branches or majority-owned subsidiaries are located in a third country, outside of the European Economic Area (EEA),   whose law may not permit the application of some or all parts of a group's AML/CFT policies and procedures.

In such cases, credit and financial institutions must take effective steps to manage the resultant ML/TF risk.  These may include:

The draft RTS require credit and financial institutions to determine the extent of these measures on a risk-sensitive basis and be able to demonstrate to their competent authorities that the steps taken are commensurate with the ML/ TF risk.

Press release

Joint draft RTS