Commercial Risk Europe: Risk managers welcome Commission moves to boost cybersecurity and data flow

24 October 2017

Ferma and leading member associations have welcomed wide-ranging measures proposed by the European Commission to beef up cybersecurity in the EU and facilitate free flow of non-personal data across the bloc to create a digital single market.

The cybersecurity proposals include a stronger EU Cybersecurity Agency, a new European certification scheme to ensure products and services are secure in the digital world, and measures to combat fraud and counterfeiting of non-cash payment.

Ferma welcomed the EC’s package of measures. “This is a strong package that we support because it will increase the cyber protection of European industries and citizens. Ferma has previously raised its concerns about the lack of focus on risk governance in cybersecurity, and welcomes the current initiative that aims at ensuring stronger resilience with notably the creation of an EU Cybersecurity Agency and the organisation of pan-European stress tests. The establishment of a European cybersecurity certification framework for online goods and services should also cut down costs and administrative burdens for companies, by replacing multiple national schemes with a pan-European approach,” the federation’s CEO, Typhaine Beaupérin, said.

Ferma, which published groundbreaking cyber risk governance guidelines in June, said it will closely follow the progress of the EC’s latest proposals, in particular the plan for an EU-wide cybersecurity certification framework and rules around non-personal data.

Ms Beaupérin said the federation is gaining recognition as a source of expertise on cyber risk governance, and has been building relations with relevant EU bodies on cybersecurity. This will help Ferma join in discussion on the latest proposals from Brussels, she added.

German risk management association GVNW also backs the measures put forward by the EC.

“We definitely welcome these proposals,” said Jörg Henne, managing director of the association. “They are a strong set of measures. The digital single market is very important for our economy and a common standard on the digital side so all European countries can operate on the same level is a big step forward. So we strongly support this ambitious aim,” he added.

Along with Ferma and the GVNW, Airmic, the UK’s risk and insurance management association, is pleased by the EC’s plans to improve cybersecurity.

“Airmic welcomes the EC’s plans to boost cyber security in the EU. In general, Airmic is supportive of the EU approach of building on existing measures while presenting new initiatives to further improve cyber resilience and response for us all. Airmic especially welcomes the focus on crisis management, which UK research indicates is a subject requiring further improvement, including at board level. The UK can assist by using its recognised experience and capability in this area.

Full article on Commercial Risk (subscription required)

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