Paul N. Goldschmidt: The Brexit Process is stalling! It is high time to be thinking “out of the Box”.

14 October 2017

The ideas expressed recently in Brussels by the former Irish Prime Minister John Bruton deserve careful consideration. His proposal is to trigger immediately the clause of Art. 50 of the Treaty that allows prolonging the initial two year negotiating period by a further 4 years.

There are of course serious drawbacks to the proposal but the advantages seem, nevertheless, far more compelling:
On the negative side:    

On the positive side: 

If John Bruton’s proposals are to be considered seriously, they will nevertheless require certain amendments to the “status quo ante” that should be included in the Art. 50 prolongation procedure: 

Such demands will certainly be deemed “outrageous”, but an agreement along these lines presents considerable advantages for the UK: the government could offer its citizens (or Parliament) a new referendum with three clear options: 

The third option should be weighed carefully in the light of the problems associated with leaving the EU, the negative consequences of which have so far been muted but are expected to increase significantly as time goes by. Within the reality of an interdependent multipolar world, it boils down to a choice between exercising a largely “virtual independent sovereignty” and sharing with the other Member States a truly “effective joint sovereignty” in promoting the highly correlated interests of Europe’s citizens on the world stage.
The proposed procedure would also allow the feelings of abuse that have been hurled by both Brexeteers and Remainers at each other, to heal. It would provide a solid base for facing the future – whether in or out of the EU - with a reunited sense of belonging, overcoming the deep splits that have appeared between generations as well as between various parts of the United Kingdom. A fully informed consultation of the population would restore the necessary balance between “democracy”, “the rule of law” and “human rights” which are each indissociably intertwined in the pursuit of “freedom”  which, as was so well expressed recently by Commissioner Frans Timmermans in relation to the events in Catalonia, form the bedrock of the Union’s values.
An additional benefit of this approach is to put at the center of the discussions the interests of millions of citizens, be it those residing in each other’s territory (whose status will remain in jeopardy until a final agreement is reached) and those – both nationals and aliens - employed by companies whose business is affected by Brexit. [...]

Full article on Paul N. Goldschmidt website

© Paul Goldschmidt