ECB: AnaCredit validation checks

09 August 2017

This document supplements the AnaCredit Reporting Manual by explaining the main set of validation checks that will be performed in order to ensure that the data quality required for transmission to AnaCredit is sufficient.

This document provides detailed information and guidance on AnaCredit reporting requirements. It does not contain any additional requirements and is not legally binding per se. “The AnaCredit Regulation” is the only legally binding document for AnaCredit data collection.

Generally, validation checks ensure that the information registered in AnaCredit complies with the AnaCredit data model. Additionally, validation checks allow the data to be identified that, while logically compliant with the AnaCredit data model, are methodologically inconsistent. 

The published validation checks are a minimum set of self-contained rules which the data reported to AnaCredit must satisfy in order to comply with the completeness and consistency requirements stipulated. All data reported will be subject to validation checks in order to ensure that the information is complete and consistent, in accordance with the principles of the AnaCredit data model. Besides being consistent with the AnaCredit model and the AnaCredit Regulation, validation checks take into account the general methodology of the AnaCredit Manual.

Reporting agents are encouraged to perform quality assurance activities and, to that extent, enhance their existing data quality management systems in order to ensure that the data transmitted complies with the relevant requirements. Additional information on data quality checks is also available from the Banks’ Integrated Reporting Dictionary (BIRD) project.

Please note that the validation checks described in this document apply to the data specifications as described in the AnaCredit Regulation and thus the specific implementation and data structure schemes applied by the relevant NCBs may make some of the checks in this document non-applicable.

NCBs may perform additional data validation checks that go beyond the minimum common standard of validation checks published in this document. The data quality standards described in this document are also subject to specific national derogations as laid down in the AnaCredit Regulation.

Owing to the complexity of the financial structures recorded in AnaCredit by means of instruments, counterparties, protections, etc., these validation checks may not encompass all the necessary business cases before actual receipt of the AnaCredit data. Therefore, an analysis of the data received might identify additional consistency checks to be progressively incorporated in the set of validations provided in Section 4 of this document.

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