Insurance Europe: PRIIPs information exchange templates developed

30 June 2017

Insurance Europe has published two templates that aim to facilitate the exchange of information between insurers and asset managers that is required under the packaged retail investment and insurance products (PRIIPs) Regulation in relation to multi-option products (MOPs).

The templates provide a functional description of the set of data to be exchanged from asset managers and banks to insurers to help them fulfil their PRIIPs regulatory obligations. They are:

The European PRIIPs template (EPT), which includes the minimum data necessary for insurers to produce a key information document according to the provisions of the PRIIPs Regulation. Asset managers will deliver these files for free.

The “Comfort” EPT, which includes more data, so its delivery depends on ad hoc bilateral agreements between insurers and asset managers.

The use of the templates is not compulsory. They are also free of use, intellectual property and copyright.

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