ACCA recommends targeted amendments to Integrated Reporting Framework

03 May 2017

ACCA has provided feedback on the implementation of the International Integrated Reporting Framework. In a submission to the IIRC, ACCA has voiced its support for wider adoption of the Framework as a tool to drive better reporting and more responsible corporate practices.

ACCA has, however, recommended that targeted amendments are made to the Framework, to explicitly signal the relevance of value creation and the multiple capitals approach to each content element of the integrated report: from defining the business model and strategy to managing risks and opportunities and evaluating performance.

For integrated reporting to be credible, ACCA has encouraged the IIRC to focus on ways to enhance accountability over reporting, including issuing further information on the Guiding Principles of consistency and comparability, and reliability and completeness. ACCA also recommends that the IIRC explore more meaningful ways for boards to signal their commitment to <IR>.

Given the multiplicity of non-financial reporting requirements, standards and frameworks, ACCA has encouraged the IIRC to continue to consult stakeholders, particularly on the wider question of where integrated reporting should be positioned within the corporate reporting system.

Full press release

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