Insurance Europe: PRIIPs: European Commission and ESAs must provide further clarity on RTS in level 3

10 April 2017

While welcoming the recent adoption and publication of the revised Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) for the Packaged Retail Investment and Insurance Products (PRIIPs) Regulation, the European insurance industry believes that several clarifications are required in the Level 3 measures.

These clarifications are essential to ensure that the industry can appropriately implement the various provisions of the PRIIPs regulation and thereby benefit from a high degree of legal certainty. The areas requiring attention include:

Therefore, level 3 should clearly set out that the credit risk measure should be assigned as 2 where the PRIIP is manufactured by an insurer that is compliant with the provisions of Solvency II.
Level 3 should therefore clarify that manufacturers should not develop a KID for closed business, including when existing contractual options are exercised, as the KID is a pre-contractual information document as mentioned in the PRIIPs Regulation.

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