EBA publishes final guidelines on LCR disclosure

08 March 2017

The EBA published its final Guidelines on liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) disclosure. These Guidelines provide harmonised disclosure templates and tables for LCR disclosure and aim at improving transparency and comparability of LCR and other liquidity risk management related information.

These final Guidelines provide harmonised disclosure templates and tables for LCR disclosure without altering the general disclosure framework provided for in the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR). In particular, they envisage a fully-fledged quantitative LCR disclosure template - in line with that proposed by the standard developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) - for systemic credit institutions and a simplified one (including only the LCR figure, the amount of the liquidity buffer and that of net outflows) for the rest of the credit institutions which will apply them.

Items in the LCR disclosure template are calculated as simple averages of monthly reporting observations based on the Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on LCR reporting. The LCR disclosure template is complemented by explanatory notes, both qualitative and quantitative, of the disclosed LCR items. Finally, the Guidelines provide a table for the disclosure of risk management objectives and policies for liquidity risk.

These Guidelines, which are consistent with the European Banking Authority (EBA) Pillar 3 Guidelines in terms of scope and date of application, apply to credit institutions covered by the LCR Delegated Regulation and identified as Globally and Other Systemically Important Institutions (G-SIIs and O-SIIs). Furthermore, other credit institutions should apply these Guidelines at the discretion of the relevant competent authority or on a voluntary basis. The Guidelines will apply from 31 December 2017.

Press release


Mapping template