BoE: PRA - Regulated fees and levies: rates for 2015/16

30 June 2015

In March 2015 the Prudential Regulation Authority consulted on the regulatory fees and levies for the fee year 2015/16 to support the PRA’s strategic priorities and business aims.

This policy statement (PS) summarises the feedback received to the consultation (CP10/15) and provides the PRA’s response to this feedback.

The PS sets out:

The PRA received seven responses to CP10/15 ‘Prudential Regulation Authority - Regulated fees and levies: rates proposals 2015/16’. These came from trade bodies, insurance firms and credit unions.

Having carefully considered the feedback, the PRA deems that the rules set out in this policy statement are appropriate for the PRA to perform its functions effectively. No amendments have been made to the policy as proposed in the CP as a result of the consultation.

The PRA’s fee rates have been updated from those presented in the CP following finalisation of the PRA’s accounts.

Full information

Policy statement

Consultation paper

© Bank of England